“If you look with both eyes, the two different impressions on the retina are united in one single image in the brain. Although the eyes actually record two images, we have the sensation of viewing the scene from one spot, as if we had only one eye in the centre of the forehead. The process is called stereopsis, and we talk of the stereoscopic or cyclopean image.”
The images were acquired for this exhibition through the portfolio review at the Photo Biennale in Thessaloniki, Greece last year. Athina’s photographs combine the antique process of viewing a static image through special glasses which translate the final viewed experience into a three-d image.
“My pictures which are simply set, present several people in their space or out of it, directly facing the lens, always in conditions of available light and, often, in very long exposures. I chose to present the portraits of this specific unity in a 3D projection so that the spectator, being in total darkness, may feel isolated from the environment and literally slip in the picture, being aware of the space, depth, distances among the elements which compose it. My intention is the achievement of the mostly possible discreet 3D result, so that the picture attracts not, maybe, because it impresses but because it causes emotion.” Athina Chroni
For more information please contact Peggy Sue Amison at Sirius Arts Centre 021 481 3790 or via email at:cobharts@iol.ie